高尔夫游戏规则介绍 摆渡人酒吧高尔夫怎么玩?求高尔夫球游戏规则(怎么玩)

2024-03-14 19:25:09 9

高尔夫游戏规则介绍 摆渡人酒吧高尔夫怎么玩?求高尔夫球游戏规则(怎么玩)

大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于高尔夫游戏,高尔夫游戏规则介绍 摆渡人酒吧高尔夫怎么玩这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


高尔夫游戏规则介绍 摆渡人酒吧高尔夫怎么玩

酒吧高尔夫游戏是许多在酒吧游玩的人玩的酒吧游戏 斗酒。去一家酒吧,将这家酒吧设置为起点,比赛的双方直接喝一瓶啤酒,加一杯纯的洋酒,叫一杆一球,喝完代表打完一个洞,然后迅速赶往下一家(酒吧是预先设定好的)。九洞的意思,就是要喝掉九家,谁先完成,回到起始酒吧,就算嬴了。在玩这个游戏的时候,酒吧的经理会事先收到消息,在桌上摆好酒,咕咚咚一瓶加一杯,喝完立刻走,自然有人埋单。这是一个激烈的酒吧游戏,没有几斤的酒量,是不敢这样玩起来的!在电影中,杨颖为了爱情,为了十年守候的马力,为了替马力讨一口气,瞬间成为了酒国英雄。


高尔夫规则要略 从事任何运动之前,均须了解该运动的基本规则方能尽兴,并免於贻笑大方。高球运动看重绅士风度之展现,对基本规则的认识更不能等闲视之。因此,就高球基本规则、比杆赛与比洞赛之差异、各种击球状况产止确判断和处理以及参加比赛注意事项等加以说明。总则1.高尔夫球比赛是依照规则从发球区开始经一次击球或连续击球将球打入洞内。2.对球施加影响除按时规则行动以外,球员或球童不得有影响球的位置或运动的任何行为。3.商议的违反规则球员不得商议排除任何规则的应用或免除已被判决的处罚。一、高球基本规则1.虽然高尔夫有许多规则,然而最基本不外乎下列两点:a.参赛者务必在公平的条件下进行比赛。b.比赛过程中必须要能客观地处理对自己有利的状况。2.至於其他各项规则,都是基於以上两点基本原则所制定的。遵守规则由自己做起,高尔夫规则虽是由高尔夫协会所制定的,但绝大多数仍是委由选手本身执行实际上的管理。当比赛进行时,每位选手皆负有使比赛公平公正之责任;并且基於公平竞争的精神,每一位选择应要求自己成为一位遵守规则的裁判。3.以击球方式将球打进洞a.所谓打高尔夫球最基本原则就是将一颗球自球台连续打击至其进洞为止。简而言之,即是由第一杆开始,接着第二、第三杆,重复地击球,将球打进洞,除此之外便别无他法。若是拿着球移动,或是利用投掷、滚地等方法,都是违反规则的。b.待球处於静止状态后,始继续进行比赛 当球被击出后,不论是在何种状态下行进,都应该等到球处於静止状态后才可继续进行比赛,此乃高尔夫不变的法则,绝对不可触摸或挪动球的位置,亦不能为求便於挥杆而改变周遭的环境。二、比杆赛与比洞赛形式上的差异,高尔夫的比赛形式比杆赛及比洞赛两种。无论是职业赛或业余赛均以比杆赛的形式较为常见。1.所谓比杆赛,就是将每一洞的杆数累计起来,待打完一场(十八洞)后,把全部杆数加起来,以总杆数来评定胜负。2.比洞赛亦是以杆数为基础,然其不同处於比洞赛是以每洞之杆数决定该洞之胜负,每场再以累积之胜负洞数来裁定成绩。3.省略进洞之差异 比杆赛规定必须待球被击入球洞后,才可移往下一洞的开球台去开球。而比洞赛是在每一洞就决定胜负,因此只要对方同意就不必坚持球皆需进洞之原则。4.罚则之差别 在比杆赛和比洞赛中,选手违反规则所受之处罚也有所不同。一般而言,比杆赛的罚则是罚两杆,而比洞赛的罚则为处罚其该洞输球。三、正确的判断和处理1.界外(OB)「界外」系禁止打球之地区,常以界桩或围篱标示。界外之界限应以界桩(不含支架)或围篱内侧最靠近地面点决定。如在地上以标线标示界外时,界外线系垂直向上向下延伸,且线之本身即作界外论。2.遗失球 下列情况即可认定为「遗失球」:a.球员或其同队、或彼等之杆弟在开始找球后五分钟,仍找不到球;或是虽经找到,但球员无法辨认是否为其所用之球;b.球员按规则已用另一球当作比赛球,而未寻找其原球;c.球员已自可能为原球所在地,或较原球位靠球洞之点击出代替球,因此该代替球即成为比赛球。 代替球 原球可能在水障碍以外遗失、出界而了以代替之球,称为「代替球」。3.水障碍 (包括侧面水障碍)「水障碍」系指任海、湖、池塘、河川、沟渠、地面排水沟或其他露天水渠(不论其中有无积水),以及其他类似者。a.凡在水障碍界限内之陆地或水,地属於水障碍的部分。水障碍之界限系垂直向上延伸,用以标明界限所用的界桩、界标皆算在障碍内。b.水障碍(除侧面水障碍外)应以黄色界桩或标线标明界限;侧面水障碍则是以红色界桩或标线了以界定。c.水障碍中的球 向水障碍方向打出之球,是否在障碍以内或障碍以外遗失,乃是一项涉及事实的问题。如认为系障碍内遗失者,必须有之证据证明球确落入障碍内;如无确定之证据时,则应视为遗失球,按规则处理之。d.如球落入、触及或遗失在水障碍中(不管球是否位於水中),球员要受一杆之处罚,并依下列方法处理:(1).尽可能在接近上次击球之原位打次一杆。(2).在原球最后通过该水障碍边缘之一点与球间之直线,於水障碍后方抛球,至於应离水障碍后方多远处抛球并无限制。(3).球落入、触及或遗失在侧面水障碍中时,可以选择下列特别措在障碍外距原球最后通过之水障碍边缘;或距离球洞相等距离之另一边水障碍边缘;於两支球杆长度以内抛球。球应抛下及停留在不得较原球最后通过水障碍之边缘地点更接近球洞处,按规则,所捡起的球不可擦拭。四、参加比赛应注意事项 严禁迟到 参加高尔夫比赛的最大禁忌就迟到。1.若是与朋友间的比赛迟到,定会被列为最不受观迎的球友;若是正式比赛场合中迟到,轻则受罚,重则丧失比赛资格。2.迟到的罚则可依比赛形式分为两种;比杆赛中对迟到者处罚两杆;比洞赛则判第一洞输球。由此可知,比赛迟到是参赛者的一大耻,应该极力避免。五、事先了解参赛条件 每位参赛者必须於赛前了解球场所定之比赛条件:1.比赛之正确时间; 2.各组成员之编排; 3.自己被认可的差点; 4.第一洞是一号或十号; 5.比赛当天当地之规则;六、球杆数只限十四支在正规的竞赛中,每位选手只能携带十四支以内的球杆参赛,球杆若少於十四支时可补充到十四支。比赛中可更换损坏或不堪使用的球杆,但以不耽误比赛为原则;而且不论补充或更换球杆,皆不得向球场上任何一位参赛者借用。球杆一旦借出后,直至比赛终止,借出的球杆将供借用者使用,借出的一方不得使用之。关于球的位置的有关规定球的位置是所有比赛规则的一个基本出发点,所以为了保证自己对比赛规则有充分的了解,避免因犯规而失利,一定要记住以下有关规定:一、当整个球处在界外时,球为出界;判断标准是界线柱最内侧的点在地面上的连线,或有些情况下为边界线;二、当球的任何部分接触到水障区标记线时,球就是处于水障区了。要记住标志柱本身也是水障区的一部分;三、当球的任何部分接触到果岭时,球就是位于球洞区了,如果球在果岭边缘,有一部分突出于果岭之外, 则不能算是在球洞区;四、如果球的任何部分位于发球区内,则应视为在发球区内架球。发球区是一个长方形的区域,宽度为两个球杆的长度,前面和侧面由发球区标记的外界限来决定。


USGA 高尔夫基本规则(节录前 28 条,完整内容请自行查看以下网址。http://www.usga.org/playing/rules/books/index.html)The Rules of Golf (Basic rules for the game) By PGA.com staff 02.26.2003 01:54 pm (ET) Rule 1 -- The GameThe holes on the course must be played in order (l through 9, 10 through 18 or 1 through 18).You must always play by the Rules. You are not allowed to change them.Rule 2 -- Match PlayIn match play, each hole is a separate contest. If you win the first hole, you are "one-up"; if you lose it, you are "one-down"; if you tie it, you are "all-square."You have won the match when, for example, you are three-up and there are only two holes left to play.Anyone you are playing against is your "opponent."Rule 3 -- Stroke PlayIn stroke play, the competitor with the lowest total score for the round (9 or 18 holes) is the winner.You must play the ball into the hole before starting the next hole.Anyone you are playing with is a fellow-competitor.Rules 4 & 5 -- Clubs and the BallYou may carry no more than fourteen clubs.Normally, you may not change balls during the play of a hole. However, if you damage or cut your ball, you may change the ball after first asking your opponent or fellow competitor.Rule 6 -- Things a Player Should DoRead the notices given to you by the tournament officials.Always use your proper handicap.Know your tee-time or starting time.Make sure you play your own ball (put a mark on the ball in case someone else is using an identical ball.In stroke play, make sure your score for each hole is correct before you turn in your card.Keep playing unless there is lightning, you are ill or an official tells you to stop.Rule 7 -- PracticeYou may not hit a practice shot while playing a hole, or from any hazard.Note: Always read the local rules about practice.Rule 8 -- Advice on How to PlayDuring a round, you may not ask anyone except your caddie or partner for advice on how to play. However, you may ask about Rules or the position of hazards or the flagstick.You may not give advice to your opponent or fellow-competitorRule 9 -- Advising Opponent on Strokes TakenIn match play, you must tell your opponent the number of strokes you have taken if you are asked.Rule 10 -- When to Play a ShotThe player who has the lowest score on a hole has the right to play his/her ball first on the next hole. This is called the "honor."While playing a hole, the player whose ball is farthest from the hole plays first.In match play, if you play out of turn, your opponent may make you replay your shot. This is not so in stroke play.Rule 11 -- Teeing GroundTee your ball between the tee-markers or a little behind them. You may tee your ball as far as two club lengths behind the markers.If your ball accidentally falls off the tee, you may replace it without penalty.Rule 12 -- Finding Ball in Hazard -- Identifying BallA hazard is any bunker (area of sand) or water hazard (lake, pond, creek, etc).In a bunker or water hazard, if sand or leaves cover your ball, you may remove enough of the sand or leaves to be able to see a part of the ball.You may lift your ball to identify it anywhere except in a hazard. You must tell your opponent or fellow competitor before you lift your ball to identify it.Rule 13 -- Playing the Ball as it Lies on the CourseYou must play the ball as it lies. You may not move it to a better spot.You may not improve your lie by pressing down behind the ball. The club may be grounded only lightly behind the ball.You may not improve the area of your intended swing or line of play by bending or breaking anything growing, such as tree limbs or weeds.In a hazard, you may not touch the sand, ground or water with the club before or during your back swing.In a hazard, you may not remove loose impediments (natural things such as leaves or twigs) but you may remove obstructions (artificial objects such as bottles or rakes.)Rule 14 -- Striking the BallYou must strike the ball fairly with the head of the club. You may not push, scrape or rake the ball.You must not hit your ball while it is moving.Rule 15 -- Playing a Wrong BallIn match play, if you play a ball that is not yours, you lose the hole. If you play the wrong ball in a hazard, there is no penalty and you must then play the right ball.In stroke play, if you play a ball that is not yours, you must take a two-stroke penalty. If you play the wrong ball in a hazard, you must then play out the hole with your own ball. If you do not do so, you are disqualified.Rule 16 -- The Putting GreenIf any part of your ball is touching the green, it is on the green.When your ball is on the green, you may brush away leaves and other loose impediments within your line of putt with your hand or a club. Do not fan them with a cap or towel.You should repair ball marks or old hole plugs if they are within your line of putt, but you may not repair marks made by spikes or shoes.You may not test the surface of the green by rolling a ball or scraping the surface.Always mark your ball by putting a small coin or other marker behind it when you want to pick it up to clean or get it out of another player’s way.Rule 17 -- The FlagstickIf your ball is off the green, there is no penalty if you play and your ball strikes the flagstick, provided no one is holding the flagstick.If your ball is on the green, do not putt with the flagstick in the hole. Either take the flagstick out or ask another player to hold it and take it out when you play your ball. In match play, if you putt and your ball hits the flagstick when it is in the hole, you lose the hole. In stroke play, you must add two penalty strokes to your score for the hole.Rule 18 -- Moving the BallIf you or your partner move either of your balls on purpose or accidentally, add a penalty stroke to your score, replace and play it.If someone or something moves your ball other than you or your partner, (an outside agency) there is no penalty, but you must replace it. If the ball is moved by wind or water, you must play it as it lies.Once you address the ball, if the ball moves, add a penalty stroke and replace the ball.If you move a loose impediment lying within one club-length of the ball and the ball moves, add a penalty stroke, replace it and play it. On the putting green, there is no penalty.Rule 19 -- Ball in Motion Deflected or StoppedIf your ball hits an outside agency, (bird, rake, etc.), it is called a "rub of the green." There is no penalty and the ball is played as it lies."Rub of the green." Play the ball as it lies. No penalty.Hits you, partner, caddie or equipment, you lose the hole. In stroke play, incur a two-stroke penalty.Hits your opponent, caddie or equipment, you may replay the shot.Hit fellow competitor, caddie or equipment, no penalty.If your ball hits you, your partner, your caddie, or your equipment in match play you lose the hole. In stroke play, you are penalized two strokes and you must play your ball as it lies.If your ball hits your opponent, his caddie, or his equipment, there is no penalty; you may play the ball as it lies or replay the shot.If your ball hits a fellow competitor, caddie or equipment in stroke play, there is no penalty and the ball is played as it lies. These are the same as outside agencies in stroke play.If your ball hits another ball and moves it, you must play your ball as it lies. The owner of the other ball must replace it. If your ball is on the green when you play and the ball, which your ball hits, is also on the green, you are penalized two strokes in stroke play. Otherwise, there is no penalty.Rule 20 -- Lifting and Dropping the BallIf you are going to lift your ball under a Rule and the Rule requires that the ball be replaced, you must put a ball-marker behind the ball before you lift it.When you drop a ball, stand erect, hold your arm out straight and drop it.If a dropped ball hits the ground and rolls into a hazard, out of a hazard, comes to rest more than two club-lengths from where it first struck a part of the course, nearer the hole or, if you are dropping away from an immovable obstruction or ground under repair, etc., back into the obstruction or ground under repair, you must re-drop. If the same thing happens when you re-drop, you must place the ball where it struck the ground when it was re-dropped.Rule 21 -- Cleaning the BallYou may clean your ball when you are allowed to lift it. On the green a ball may be cleaned when lifted except when it has been lifted to determine if it is unfit or for identification purposes because it interferes with play.Rule 22 -- Ball Interfering with or Assisting PlayIf another ball interferes with your swing or is in your line of putt, you may ask the owner of the ball to lift it.If your ball is near the hole and might serve as a backstop for another player, you may lift your ball.Rule 23 -- Loose ImpedimentsLoose impediments are natural objects that are not growing or fixed -- such as leaves, twigs, branches, worms and insects. You may remove a loose impediment except when your ball and the loose impediment lie in a bunker or water hazard. (Exception see Rule 12)Rule 24 -- ObstructionsObstructions are artificial or man-made objects. Bottles, tin cans, rakes, etc., are movable obstructions. Sprinkler heads, shelter houses, cart paths, etc., are Immovable obstructions.Movable obstructions anywhere on the course may be removed. If the ball moves when moving an obstruction, it must be replaced without penalty.You may drop your ball away from an immovable obstruction if it interferes with your swing or stance. Find the nearest point not nearer the hole where you can play without interference with your swing or stance. Drop the ball within one club-length of that point. (You may move your ball away from an immovable obstruction if it interferes with your swing or stance.) Note: You should not pick up the ball from an obstruction until you have established the nearest point of relief.Rule 25 -- Casual Water; Ground Under Repair; Animal HolesCasual water is any temporary puddle of water caused by rain or over watering. Ground under repair is any damaged area, which the Committee has marked as such.If your ball or your stance is in casual water, ground under repair or a burrowing animal hole, you may either play the ball as it lies or find the nearest place not nearer the hole which gives you relief, and drop the ball within one club-length of that place.If your ball is in casual water, etc., and you cannot find it, determine where the ball entered the area and drop a ball within one club-length of that place without penalty.If your ball is on the wrong green, find the nearest place off the green, which is not nearer the hole, and drop the ball within one club-length of that place.Rule 26 -- Water HazardsWater hazard margins are identified by yellow stakes or lines. Lateral water hazard margins are identified by red stakes or lines.If your ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, you may play it as it lies. If you cannot find it or do not wish to play it, add a penalty stroke and drop and play another ball from where you last played; or drop a ball behind the water hazard as far back as you wish. If you decide to drop behind the hazard, drop the ball so that there is a straight line between the hole, where your ball last crossed the hazard margin and where you drop the ball. If your ball is in a lateral water hazard, you may drop a ball within two club-lengths of where the ball last crossed the hazard margin, no nearer to the hole.Rule 27 -- Ball Lost or Out of BoundsA ball is lost if it is not found within five minutes after you first begin to search.A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies beyond the inside line of objects such as white stakes, or a fence or wall that marks the playing area.If your ball is lost or out of bounds, you must add a penalty stroke to your score and play another ball from where you played your last shot.If you think your ball may be lost or out of bounds, you may play another ball (provisional ball) from the place where your first ball was played. You must tell your opponent or fellow-competitor that you are playing a provisional ball and play it before you look for the first ball. If you cannot find your first ball or if it is out of bounds, you must count the strokes with the first and provisional balls, add a penalty stroke and play out the hole with the provisional ball. If you find your first ball in bounds, continue play with it and pick up the provisional ball.Rule 28 -- Ball UnplayableIf your ball is under a tree or in some other bad situation and you decide you cannot play it, add a penalty stroke and do one of the following:-1. Go back to where you played the last shot and play a ball from there-2. Measure two club-lengths from the unplayable lie, drop a ball and play from there-3. Keep the unplayable lie between where you drop the ball and the hole, go back as far as you wish on a straight line and drop and play the ball.


高尔夫球竞赛的主要形式 ①比洞赛 比洞赛是以较少的杆数打完一洞的一方为该洞的胜者,以每洞决定比洞赛的胜负。 ②比杆赛 以最少的杆数打完规定一轮或数轮的比赛者为胜者。国际大赛和全国比赛均采用比杆赛。 高尔夫球比赛规则简介 比赛规则是由高尔夫球协会和每次竞赛的组织者制定的。事实上,比赛规则在竞赛中主要还是由竞赛者自己来执行。也就是参赛者要以公正的比赛精神为基础,自觉遵守规则,自己给自己当裁判。 ①礼貌规范 ·挥杆和打球时都要注意安全,防止伤害事故发生。 ·不影响别人打球,不拖延时间。 ·进行得太慢的组,让后面一组超越。 ·在打完一杆后,应认真地修复场地。 ②发球台规则 ·迟到:迟到 5分钟以内,要加罚两杆。 ·击球顺序:按竞赛组织委员会规定的顺序,也可抽签、猜拳或按年龄大小决定由谁先发球。 ·提问:有关场地情况可向同伴提问·击球:正式挥杆没打到球,应算一杆。球从球座上落下,在原位打算第二杆,球重新放回球座上,就算第三杆。 ·球出界:第一次打的球出界了,可以待大家都打完之后补打.但算为第三杆。 ·发球置球:发球时球必须放在发球区内的球座上。 ③球道规则 ·击球顺序:应由距离球洞较远的人先打球。 ·错打:错打了别人的球,要被罚两杆。 ·换球:球坏了,可以向同伴说明换球;没有说明换球,要罚一杆;偷偷摸摸换球,则罚两杆。 ·重选球位:球打到没办法打的地方,可以向同伴说明罚一队把球拿出,在远离球洞的地方,在以两杆为半径的范围内抛球。 ·找球:为了确认自己的球,触及场地障碍物,并移动了球,罚一杆。5 分钟内找不到球,则视为球遗失,重新回到原位去打球,并加罚一杆。 ·其他:打球或空挥时折断树枝,要罚两杆。球打在自己的推车或球袋上,罚两杆。击球时,若连击,算两杆。 ④障碍区规则 ·击沙坑球:在沙坑中,准备打球时,球杆碰到了沙子要罚两杆。 以击进入水域障碍区球:球进入水域障碍区,要罚一杆,然后在进水切点的水域障碍区外面抛球。如果坚持水中击球,不罚杆。 ⑤球洞区(果岭)规则 ·擦球:球打上球洞区,可以擦球,但必须做好球位标记,没有做标记,要罚一杆。 ·击球顺序:谁的球离洞远谁先打球。 ·妨碍:妨碍别人打球的球,可以拿起但应做标记。推击线上有树叶可以拿走,但在推击线上有钉鞋的印痕,不能去整理。别人推的球还在动时,就做动作打自己的球,罚两杆。 ·入洞:正式比杆赛中,每一洞都必须击球人洞,否则即失去参赛资格。 ·触及别人的球:打球上果岭时,碰到果岭上别人的球,要把被碰到的球放回原位(若两个人的球都在果岭上,打到球的人要被罚两杆)。





OK,关于高尔夫游戏和高尔夫游戏规则介绍 摆渡人酒吧高尔夫怎么玩的内容到此结束了,希望对大家有所帮助。

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